Disable Activex In Microsoft Edgewillbrown


To reduce this risk, ActiveX controls should be disabled for Microsoft Office. The following Group Policy setting can be implemented to disable the use of ActiveX controls in Microsoft Office. Group Policy Setting Recommended Option User Configuration Policies Administrative Templates Microsoft Office 2016 Security Settings. Discussion: Disable Java(script) and ActiveX in a browser control (too old to reply) lel 2005-12-05 16:46:42 UTC.

  1. To change ActiveX settings. In Internet Explorer, select the Tools button, and then select Internet options. On the Security tab, select Custom level, and then under ActiveX controls and plug-ins, do one the following: Allow Automatic prompting for ActiveX controls by selecting Enable.
  2. Disable Activex In Microsoft Edge Update; Microsoft Edge doesn’t support ActiveX controls and BHOs like Silverlight or Java. If you’re running web apps that use ActiveX controls, x-ua-compatible headers, or legacy document modes, you need to keep running them in IE11. Flash is dying a slow death on the internet due to security issues.
  3. Workarounds and Mitigations. Workarounds: Option #1 - Disable the use of the vulnerable ActiveX control within Internet Explorer. Option #2 - Disable ActiveXProperly securing your Web browser to limit ActiveX controls can help avoid this issue. Limiting the ActiveX controls would both notify the user, and force the user to take some action to allow the ActiveX functionality.

The easiest way to allow previously unused ActiveX controls to run without a prompt is to place the site in your trusted sites list.

However, you will learn how you do it in a better way below. All I ask is that you follow along.

What is ActiveX

So still,what is an ActiveX control? Can you give an example?

An ActiveX control is a kind of black box that implements one or another feature. They were designed to facilitate the work of web page creators. That is, for webmasters to use ready-made solutions, instead of creating their own.

Allow Previously Unused ActiveX Controls To Run Without Prompt

As an example, It shows a calendar form added using an ActiveX control. This form is added with a single line. It is very simple to work with the calendar obtained in this way: it is a fully functional calendar that has its methods and properties. Can you imagine how long it would take for a webmaster to create such a calendar?

Anotherquestion: I heard that ActiveX controls cannot boast of security. Therefore, Iwould like to disable the ability to use them when browsing sites.

Well,that’s your right. Many security experts recommend doing just that. Although,in this case, you should be prepared for the fact that any of the sites thatyou often visit will stop showing up or lose some of its functionality.

Decision.Using Group Policies One way to prevent ActiveX objects from working is to usegroup policies. To do this, just use the group policies located in theADMINISTRATIVE TEMPLATES / WINDOWS / INTERNET EXPLORER COMPONENTS / SECURITYMEANS / RESTRICTING INSTALLATION ACTIVEX ITEMS sections of the COMPUTERCONFIGURATION and USER CONFIGURATION sections. Let’s list its features.

* ALL PROCESSES. If you enable this group policy, then all automatic requests for installing ActiveX controls will be blocked. Moreover, the blocking will occur not only in Internet Explorer but also in all other applications (except those applications for which you have enabled ActiveX installation using the group policy LIST OF PROCESSES). * INTERNET EXPLORER PROCESSES. If you enable this group policy, then all automatic requests for installing ActiveX controls will be blocked. Installation locks only for Internet Explorer.

* LIST OF PROCESSES. Using this group policy, you can specify a list of programs for which the installation of ActiveX controls will be blocked or allowed. To do this, enable this group policy, then press the SHOW button and enter the values ​​in the following fields in the dialog that appears. * ENTER THE NAME OF THE ADDED ITEM. Specify the name of the process whose behavior you want to configure. For example, wmplayer.exe. * ENTER THE VALUE OF THE ADDED ITEM. Enter 1 to disable the automatic installation request for ActiveX objects, or 0 to allow the installation.

Decision. Using standard browser settings You can also configure the behavior of ActiveX objects using the checkboxes of the ACTIVEX ELEMENTS section and CONNECTION MODULES section of the SECURITY SETTINGS – INTERNET ZONE dialog (once again, let’s recall that this dialog can be displayed using the OTHER tab on the SECURITY tab of the BROWSE PROPERTIES dialog).

Also, all of the settings listed below can bechanged using the group policies located in the ADMINISTRATIVE TEMPLATES /COMPONENTS WINDOWS / INTERNET EXPLORER / HEATER PANEL / SECURITY tab / INTERNETZONE sections of the CONFIGURATION CONFIGURATION COMPUTER

FLAG START ACTIVEX ELEMENTS AND CONNECTIONMODULES. Using this switch, you can determine whether ActiveX controls will beallowed to run automatically. You can use the following provisions of thisswitch.

* TURN ON. Allow ActiveX controls to run withoutuser intervention. This value is used by default. * SUGGEST. Display a requestto launch the ActiveX control if it is necessary for the loaded page to work. *DISABLE. Prevent ActiveX controls from starting without user intervention.

The checkbox allows the launch of ACTIVEXCONTROLS, WHICH WERE NOT USED EARLY, and WITHOUT WARNING. Allows you todetermine whether the issue of launching ActiveX controls that were previouslylaunched and the user agreed to launch them will be displayed.


By default, this feature is disabled.

ActiveX for Internet Explorer is a special framework or plugin designed for detecting on web pages (servers) all kinds of software components, applications created in various programming languages, and organizing their functioning in the Internet Explorer.

ActiveXcontrols have some similarities with Java platform applets. These are thebuilding blocks of client-server programs running in Internet Explorer,interactive scripts for playing animations and videos.

Asset Xis a unique technology optimized only for IE. Installing an ActiveX control ina browser as such is not necessary, as it is part of the Windows operatingsystem. By default, it is installed with the OS distribution.

In thisarticle, you will learn how to enable and disable ActiveX in Internet Explorer,as well as how to filter its elements (prohibit their inclusion on web pages),how to download and install a version of the Flash plug-in that supportsActive-X web technology.

Customization ofActiveX

If theelements are not executed correctly (for example, the browser has blockedtrusted resources, interactive blocks are prohibited, IE displays a “Please configure… ActiveX” notification), you must first configure the module:

You will see the Service section on the top of IE, click it.

Click on“Browser Properties”.

Click onthe “Security” tab. Click the “Other” button.

Scrolldown the options list to the ActiveX Elements … section.


To safelyand correctly launch items, perform the following settings:

“Automaticrequests …” – Disable (to reduce the risk of a virus attack through the useof this web technology);

“Enablefiltering …” – Enable (for selective launch, also for security purposes);

“Allow… only approved” – Enable (to activate only on trusted sites);

“Allow… which were not used” – Disable (do not run blocks that were not usedbefore);

“Downloadunsigned elements” – Disable (also, so as not to activate dubious, potentiallydangerous objects);

“Downloadsigned elements” – Offer (a download request is displayed).

Note. The article considers only the basic options. There are other parameters in the list for fine-tuning the functioning of ActiveX.

Attention!If you are not sure that you set the parameters correctly, you can reset thesettings. To do this, in the “To level” line, set the level of specialparameters (for example, “High”) and click “Reset”.

Disable / enablefiltering

InternetExplorer update

ActiveXelement filter – blocks the launch of elements on web pages according to therules specified in the settings.

If you donot know how to disable / enable the ActiveX filter, follow these instructions:

1. Go tothe “Service” section in the menu.

2. Clickor remove the “checkmark” in the “Filtering …” line, respectively, to enableor disable the option.

If youwant to allow the launch of elements on the current tab:

1. In the address bar, click the mouse tolaunch the settings block – the “prohibition sign” icon.

2. In the window that opens, click“Turn off filtering …”. After refreshing the page, that part of itthat has been blocked will be displayed.

Installing theFlash applet for IE

In viewof the specifics of ActiveX technology for IE in Windows 7 and XP, you need toinstall a version of Flash adapted to the nominal version for it.

This isdone as follows:

1. Open the offsite –https://get.adobe.com/en/flashplayer/.

2. If the settings panel did not appear inthe first block, click on the link “Need a player … for another computer?”.

3. On the first line, install the versionof your OS (Windows 7 ….).

4. In the second line in the drop-downlist, select the version – FP Internet Explorer – ActiveX.

5. With a mouse click remove the checkmarksin the middle column “Additional applications”.

6. Click “Download.”

7. In the bottom panel of IE, click Run.

8. Confirm the launch: click“Yes” in the “Control …” window.

Rememberthat the correct configuration of the Active X module reduces the risk ofviruses infecting the browser and the entire computer system, eliminatesintrusive notifications about the inability to launch elements on trusted webresources.

How to run scripts of ActiveX controls markedas safe

The current setting allows you tocontrol the interaction of scripts and ActiveX controls marked as safe forscript execution. If the current setting is enabled, then interaction with thescript can occur automatically without user intervention.

; Run scripts of ActiveX controlsmarked as safe

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Internet Settings Zones 3]

Run Activex On Microsoft Edge

“1405” = dword: 00000003

; 0 – enable

; 1 – suggest

; 3 – disable

How to download unsigned ActiveX controls

The following option allows you tocontrol the permission to download unsigned ActiveX controls from this zone.Such code is potentially dangerous, especially if it comes from an untrustedzone. If the following option is enabled, unsigned controls will start withoutyour intervention. If the “Suggest” option is selected, then you willreceive a request to launch an unsigned control.

Download unsigned ActiveX controls

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Internet Settings Zones 3]

“1004” = dword: 00000003

; 0 – enable

; 1 – suggest

; 3 – disable

How to download signed ActiveX controls

This option controls how usersdownload signed ActiveX controls from web pages in the zone. If you enable thisoption, then in the future you will be able to download signed controls withoutuser intervention. If you select the Offer option, then you will receive arequest for permission to download controls signed by unreliable publishers.Code signed by trusted publishers is downloaded without request.

; Download signed ActiveX controls

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Internet Settings Zones 3]

“1001” = dword: 00000003

; 0 – enable

; 1 – suggest

; 3 – disable

Running ActiveX controls and plug-ins

This setting allows you to control thelaunch of ActiveX controls and plug-ins on the pages of the specified zone. Ifthis setting is enabled, then the controls and plug-ins can start without yourintervention. If the “Suggest” option is selected, then you willreceive a request to launch controls and plug-ins.

; Launch ActiveX elements andconnection modules

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Internet Settings Zones 3]

Enable Activex In Microsoft Edge

“1200” = dword: 00000003

; 0 – enable

; 1 – suggest

; 10,000 – allowed by theadministrator

; 3 – disable

Using ActiveX Controls Not Marked As Safe ToUse

The current setting allows you to manage ActiveX controls that are not marked as safe. If this option is enabled, ActiveX controls are executed and loaded with parameters and scripts that are not configured for safe use. This option is recommended for use only in a secure and managed area. When using this parameter, both reliable and unreliable controls are initialized and run according to the script, even though ActiveX control scripts are marked as safe. If this option is enabled or the “Suggest” option is selected, then you will receive a request to load controls with parameters or scripts. We are moving closer to how to allow Previously Unused ActiveX Controls To Run Without Prompt

Using ActiveX controls that are not marked as safe for use

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Internet Settings Zones 3]

“1201” = dword: 00000003

; 0 – enable

; 1 – suggest

Disable Activex Microsoft Edge

; 3 – disable

How to allow ActiveX without request toapproved domains only

This setting determines whetherActiveX controls are requested for websites other than the website thatinstalled the ActiveX controls. When this option is enabled, a prompt will bedisplayed before it is possible to launch ActiveX controls from websites inthis zone. You can allow controls to be run from the currently open website orall websites.

; Allow ActiveX to be used withoutrequest only to approved domains

Activex Control In Microsoft Edge

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Internet Settings Zones 3]

“120b” = dword: 00000003

; 0 – enable

; 3 – disable

Activex In Microsoft Edge
