Econ 1b Materialsjason Lee


Economics 1
Introduction to Economics
University of California, Berkeley
Fall 2017

Professor Martha Olney: office hours (691 Evans): Mon 9:30-10:30 am; Tues 4:00-5:15 pm

Head GSI Vaishnavi Surendra: office hours (548 Evans): Mon & Wed: 9.15 am-10.15 am

'Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn.' -- Ben Franklin

Tablets or tablet-PCs turned flat are ok.

1500 Monroe Street, 1st Floor Conf. 365 days a year. If you are looking for human or social service resources in Lee, Hendry and Glades. Economics seeks to solve the problem of scarcity, which is when human wants for goods and services exceed the available supply. A modern economy displays a division of labor, in which people earn income by specializing in what they produce and then use that income to purchase the products they need or want. Jan 19, 2021 Phase 1B focuses largely on those who are 65 and older. Those in this age group are most vulnerable to COVID-19 and make up more than 87 percent of Ohioans who have died from the virus. Phase 1B also includes school teachers and other school staff who will be offered the vaccine in an effort to get Ohio's children back to school as soon as.

Be sure you have no conflicts with the following:
Midterm #1,
Wednesday, September 27, 7-8:30 pm
Midterm #2, Wednesday, November 1, 7-8:30 pm
Final exam (slot #3, unique to Econ 1), Monday, December 11, 3-6 pm

Information about the Final Exam
The Comprehensive Essay Question

The final will (not yet confirmed, but in all likelihood) take place in the RSF (Recreational Sports Facility) Field House, Monday, December 11, 3:00 - 6:00 p.m.

Directions to RSF Field House: The RSF Field House is located on the west end of the Recreational Sports Facility (on Bancroft Way).
Please enter through the exterior double doors that lead directly into the Field House from outside. See aerial view below.

Piazza is used for posting your questions (and answering your classmates' questions).
bCourses is used for all other learning management tasks.

Fall 2017 syllabus

Lecture Outlines
(pdf files posted by 10 pm the night before class)

Discussion Section Points
(pdf file)

Reader Contents with links
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Section times, location, GSI
Includes GSI email address
and GSI office hours & office location

Links to problem set files
will go live when files
are uploaded

Discussion Questions for Reader Articles

Grading Rubrics for Section Presentation

P.S. 1
P.S. 1 solutions

Web Sites for You

Old Midterm #1 Exams

P.S. 2
P.S. 2 solutions

Khan Academy
(helpful for reviewing math;
also some econ)

Old Midterm #2 Exams

P.S. 3
P.S. 3 solutions
Economics Dept Tutoring Center

Old Final Exams

P.S. 4
P.S. 4 solutions

Student Learning Center

Midterm Regrade Policy

Errata sheet (aka, list of typos):
Micro/Macro as a 2nd Language

Webcasts are on bCourses
or go to CalCentral, MyAcademics tab
Readings Quizzes (dates in syllabus)
on bCourses
Section Exercise Solutions are on bCourses
Letter for employers & others
confirming dates and times of midterms

About the Turn-it-in Software

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Return to Martha Olney's Home Page

This page prepared by Professor Martha Olney

Last update 11/18/2017
University of California, Berkeley

Department of Economics
530 Evans Hall #3880
Berkeley CA 94720-3880
Olney office phone: 510-642-6083
Econ Dept fax: 510-642-6615

© Kham/Reuters A new power growing: Maybe intense pandemic coverage means you didn't notice the birth of the world’s biggest trading bloc, one that excludes Canada. The virtual signing ceremony of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership agreement took place in Hanoi, Vietnam, on Nov. 15.

There's an old but revealing joke in the news business from when most television news programs were a broadcast of fixed duration.

Econ 1b Materialsjason Lee

The joke went: 'Isn't it funny that every day, there is always exactly half an hour's worth of news?'

The point was, of course, that of all the millions of things that happened in the world that day, news editors selected a half-hour's worth. No more. No less.

In news, big stories crowd out important but lesser stories. One classic example was that on the day John F. Kennedy was assassinated, two literary lions — C.S.Lewis and Aldous Huxley — died as well, but they were virtually ignored.

In the internet era, access to events seems infinite. But that does not mean they get equal attention.

Pandemic steals the thunder

This year, the COVID-19 pandemic has stolen the thunder from other important economic issues that deserve greater attention in 2021. Here is a by-no-means exhaustive list.

Econ 1b materialsjason leep

Perhaps the most conspicuous topic to be upstaged by COVID-19 during most of 2020 may have been climate change. And climate economist Mark Jaccard, a professor at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, has said he expects 2021 to be different.

© Natalie Thomas/Reuters A climate activist stands on an ice floe in the Arctic Ocean on Sept. 20. COVID-19 upstaged climate change for much of 2020, but Canada's recently announced plan to hit its 2030 climate target and a new administration in the U.S. suggest the issue will become more prominent next year.

Certainly a new climate-conscious administration in the United States, plus the recently announced plan from the Canadian government to actually hit its 2030 climate target, means investors, entrepreneurs and ordinary Canadians will have to take a closer look at how the need to cut carbon will affect them.

There's reason to think the impact in 2021 will echo through all parts of the economy.

Some issues don't have that kind of profile. Chris Kutarna, a Regina native who is now an author and big thinker at Oxford University, says most Canadians may have missed a game changer.

Despite an innocuous title, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership created the biggest regional trade bloc in history. The 15 member countries, as diverse as China, Japan and Australia, will represent a third of the world's population and a third of its GDP.

Econ 1b materialsjason lee county

'The U.S.-China story is a very narrow lens,' Kutarna told me in an email. 'It's not crazy to see EU-style integrated supply chains and markets emerging fast in Asia.'

Battling the black hats

For Bessma Momani, a senior fellow at the Centre for International Governance and Innovation in Waterloo, Ont., global trade will come back into clearer focus in 2021. Despite international co-operation in creating a vaccine, Momani sees 'trade hampered by supply-chain disruptions and rising nationalism' next year.

Momani, who is also a political science professor at the University of Waterloo, also worries that the cyberattacks that we have seen over the past weeks are likely to grow as cybercriminals learn how to exploit our increased use of digital technologies.

A new way of doing things during the pandemic may have sped the process along, as it did for shopping and working from home. Now may be the time to catch up to the growing reach of black hat hackers — a crucial task for 2021.

Part of getting that job done is having the right people, and according Goldy Hyder, president and CEO of the Business Council of Canada, despite the pandemic, future business success means a focus on generating and welcoming a qualified workforce.

'While the pandemic has created short-term — yet significant — job loss,' Hyder told me in an email, 'the fact is that in the longer term, employers will struggle to find enough skilled workers as the population ages.'

In its recent report, Powering a Strong Recovery, the council said that in 2021, Canadian business must put new emphasis on internal training and development, and increased immigration.

Also important is 'encouraging labour market participation from underrepresented groups, including women, Indigenous peoples, Black people, people of colour and disabled Canadians,' Hyder said.

The report also demands a new effort to remove interprovincial trade barriers.

Supporting immigration means looking for ways to support and sustain businesses that form the heart of immigrant communities, said Lorne Foster, director of the Institute for Social Research at Toronto's York University.

Foster says the pandemic has had a more devastating effect on incomes in racialized communities, including on businesses, adding another layer of danger to community hubs, such as Toronto's Little Jamaica and Chinatowns across the country.

'I believe that the decimation of the small business infrastructure in racialized communities compounds the racial inequities and is having a more inherent impact of creating gaping community wealth gaps,' he said.

Econ 1b Materialsjason Leerjaar

Gig economy needs attention

Also on the labour front, Canadian historian and author Shirley Tillotson said the failures of the gig economy — where companies could wash their hands of people who served like employees but were paid like independent contractors — was a lesson learned during the pandemic that we must begin to rectify in 2021.

'Some of the gig economy problems have had some attention in the business press,' Tillotson, professor emeritus at Dalhousie University in Halifax, told me by email. 'But we're a fair distance from a regulatory and tax response that will enable what's good and prevent what's bad both for individuals and for the social fabric.'

When gig workers found themselves out of work without benefits, Canada saw the aggravation of a problem that had been growing for years, expanding the gap between rich and poor, said Louis-Philippe Rochon, founder of the Review of Keynesian Economics and a professor at Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ont.

Even while governments have tried to throw a safety net under those worst affected by the pandemic Rochon said that the main motor of recovery — rock-bottom interest rates — has created a disproportionate windfall for those who were already rich.

Econ 1b Materials Jason Lee Md

Solving what he sees as a division of Canada into a profit economy and a wage economy will not be easy, Rochon said, but a new effort must be made in 2021 to recreate and maintain a healthy middle class.

And before you decide that everything was bad in the past year, at least one of the Canadian big thinkers I spoke to for this column, Tabatha Bull, president and CEO of the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business, pointed to a new wave of success and corporate encouragement in her sector.

Econ 1b Materials Jason Lee Jones

'In 2020, we saw a surge in support for Indigenous business,' Bull said. And she hopes that is a story that gets a lot more attention in 2021.

Econ 1b Materials Jason Lee Lewis

Follow Don Pittis on Twitter: @don_pittis