- 801-794-2226 ext. One of my favorite quotes is “Never, give up. Never surrender!” from Tim Allen in the Start Trek parody Galaxy Quest.
- FULL TEXT: Here you will find the entire text of a Narrative of Frederick Douglass and the Appendix Questions. You are required to only read chapters 1, 2, and the Appendix, complete metacognitive logs.
Here are the most-read articles on Becker's ASC Review for the week of Jan. 11-15: 15 things to know about total joint replacements and ASCs 2021 Laura Dyrda - Friday, January 15th, 2021.
Early pharmacy and medicine in Pittsburghcompared favorably with early developments in pharmacy and medicine inother parts of our country.
The men who cared for the sick wereusually physicians who had migrated to this part of the world. Many ofthese men acted as preceptors to prospective doctors and so a sort of healthprogram was instituted; it was the best that could be had at the time andunder existing circumstances.
During the period of colonizationmany drugs and chemicals were imported, chiefly from Europe. As time passed,imports ran out and new supplies were available only as new shipments,slow to arrive, were received.
Imported products used as medicinals,chemical in character, and crude plant drugs, such as roots, stems, leaves,flowers, fruits, and seeds were grossly adulterated. These conditions,among others, resulted in the introduction of drugs indigenous to America,many of which had been used by the Indians.
Standards governing the purity ofdrugs did not exist in America. Acceptable formulas for the manufactureof preparations for administration to the sick were rather limited in number.Many of the crude plant drugs were administered in the form of brews, teas,and the like.
Some of the early apothecaries werefortunate to have the London Pharmacopoeia, first published in 1618,or the Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia, published in 1699. Although otherpharmacopoeias were published in Europe, these two were used most widely.
The need in the colonies for sometype of formulary became apparent early and resulted in the publicationof a work in 1776 which is generally recognized as the first pharmacopoeiain America. This was called the 'Lititz Pharmacopoeia.' It was writtenin Latin and bears the following title with explanatory material:
Adulteration of imported drugs andthe sale of Quack Nostrums on public thoroughfares in this area was widespreadin the early decades. It is little wonder then that as early as 1871 thedruggists and apothecaries of Western Pennsylvania organized in an effortto promote legislation and to protect each other from the evils of adulterationand quackery. The first recorded meeting, which was in the nature of areception tendered to the delegates who had returned from the AmericanPharmaceutical Association Convention held at St. Louis, was held on September7, 1871, at the Monongahela House, at Smithfield and Water Streets. Amongthe visitors present were Professors Edward Parrish and John M. Maischof the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, and Mr. John F. Hancock, a druggistof Baltimore. There is no doubt that the local group received much encouragementfrom these enthusiastic and well-known visitors, because before the meetingwas adjourned Mr. Newton McClarran and Mr. Joseph Abel were elected presidentand secretary, pro tem, respectively.
A second meeting was held on thenext evening, September 8, 1871, at the St. Clair Hotel, Penn Avenue andSixth Street. The temporary officers were retained and, in order to completethe organization, Mr. William H. Brill and Mr. Alfred J. Rankin were electedvice-president and treasurer, respectively, and a permanent organizationwas constituted, to be known as The Pharmaceutical Association of AlleghenyCounty.
Two other meetings were held-oneon September 20, 1871 at the St. Clair Hotel, and the second on September28, 1871, at the University building. At the second meeting officers ofthe organization were elected: Henry B. Schwartz, president; Newton McClarran,1st vice-president; Harrison S. Lutz, 2nd vice-president; Joseph Abel,recording secretary; Alfred J. Rankin, corresponding secretary; and WilliamH. Brill, treasurer. A Constitution and By-Laws and a Code of Ethics wereadopted (see Appendix V, Document A). This organization,however, remained active only until September 1872.
By 1878 Pittsburgh had grown froma population of approximately 9,000 at the time of its incorporation asa city on March 18, 1816, to 156,389. Factories, foundries, mills, andglass-works were the core of the industrial development. A free publicschool system had been adopted and education at the higher level was obtainablein institutions of higher learning, among which was the Western Universityof Pennsylvania. Wholesale houses and retail stores handling all sortsof merchandise were conveniently located and banks had been established.A hospital (The Mercy Hospital) had been founded in 1847 and a Chamberof Commerce was incorporated, July 8, 1878. For amusements one could attendthe Pittsburgh Opera House, 90 Fifth Avenue; the Fifth Avenue Lyceum, 92Fifth Avenue; the Concert Garden, 70 Diamond Street; or Library Hall onPenn Avenue near Sixth Street. Among the early clubs were the PittsburghClub at 259 Penn Avenue and the Duquesne Club at 19 Sixth Avenue. Theseall point to a growing society and with it a need for educational development.
In 1878, two regulations restrictingthe sale of quack nostrums in public thoroughfares were in operation inthis region, an ordinance having been passed by the cities on oppositesides of the Allegheny River, Pittsburgh and Allegheny.
The druggists and apothecaries inthe two cities and surrounding communities who had been working closelywith the doctors to supply the health needs of the people, now felt thattheir services must be improved and that the only way to accomplish thiswas to establish a school for the training of those who would compoundprescriptions. Announcements, such as the following which appeared in thelocal paper, were one indication for the need of better training.
Pittsburgh CommercialGazetteJanuary 5, 1878
Pure Gelatin coated Pills and granules, by Keasbey and Mattison;Granular Effervescent Salts; Kissingen, Vichy, Carlsbad, Seltzer, Magnesia,Aperient & c., by Bishop, London. Alarge and fresh stock of above goods received and for sale by
![Classroom Classroom](https://ecdn.teacherspayteachers.com/thumbitem/Absent-FormTeacher-Recording-Sheet-FREEBIE-1089101/original-1089101-1.jpg)
February 22, 1878
Another large invoicereceived from No. 1 to No. 35. For sale by the dozen or single bottle.Sent by mail on receipt of price. Descriptive books furnished free uponapplication by the agent.
The Pittsburgh Evening Chroniclereported on July 2, 1878 that on the previous eveninga meeting of the druggists of Pittsburgh and Allegheny was held in theWestern University Laboratory for the purpose of organizing a College ofPharmacy in Western Pennsylvania. Mr. James B. Cherrywas made chairman and Mr. Louis Hauch secretary of the meeting. Messrs.Newton M. McClarran, Henry Schmidt, Louis Emanuel, Louis Hauch, W. S. Beach,and M. J. McGann made short speeches in favor of establishing in Pittsburgha School of Pharmacy.
The discussion which followed offeredopinions pro and con. One objection was raised that the new school would'grind out incompetent druggists.' This was countered with the statement'that at present druggists may be made out of boys who serve a short apprenticeshipat bottle washing.'
Much groundwork had to be done. Aplace in which to have classes was of immediate concern.
![Becker Becker](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/c2/d1/51/c2d151e88f8f706139091bda937977fc.jpg)
The same newspaper also reportedthat a second meeting was held on July 8, 1878. Mr. Cherry appointed acommittee to report on a permanent organization for the proposed Collegeof Pharmacy.
The first officially recorded meetingwas held on July 15, 1878. The opening paragraph of the minutes reads asfollows:
JamesKerr, Jr. | G.Eisenbeis |
JamesB. Cherry | LouisRott(replaced by B. L. Fahnstock) |
FredH. Eggers | |
A.C. Robertson | JosephHenderson |
Wm.H. Brill | LouisEmanuel |
CharlesSchwarm | D.C. Thompson |
HenrySchmidt | B.J. Stenger |
FredG. Seitz | JohnT. McKennan |
J.B. Hill | P.Walters, Jr. |
F.R. Fleck | A.J. Rankin |
JosephAbel | WilliamG. Schirmer |
There was some question in the mindsof those present whether a college of pharmacy should be a part of theUniversity or should be an independent school, and after much discussion,Dr. Donnelly offered the following resolution, which was adopted:
'ÎResolved-That the committee onconference be instructed to confine themselves to renting of rooms andemployment of a Prof. of Chemistry.'
It was indeed due to a mutual friend,Professor Francis C. Phillips, that the organization was able to make amicablearrangements with the University. Professor Phillips presented the followingletter to the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the WesternUniversity of Pennsylvania:
To theExecutiveCommittee of Boardof Trustees of the Western University of PennsylvaniaGentlemen:
Inorder tothe proposed establishment of aCollege of Pharmacy in connectionwith the Western University, Iwould respectfully submit toyour consideration the following offer:
Iwill volunteermy services for the First Sessionof the New College of Pharmacyincarrying Outthe lecture course inChemistryas proposed by theTrustees of that Institution tobeginOctober 2, 1878, and will applythe fees received by mefromstudents of this first course, in providing apparatus, books andchemicalsfor illustration of the lectures andfor use in the Chemical laboratoryprovided:
1. That the Trusteesof the University will appropriate funds sufficient to purchase the followingapparatus:0nespectroscope(Browning's) price $140.00
0nemicroscope(Zeutmayer's) price 135.00
One oxy-hydrogenlantern (Zeutmayer's) price 150.00
Total Cost $425.00
The pieces of apparatushere enumerated are important andnecessary aids toinstructionin Natural Sciences, andwould form a valuable andmuchneeded addition to our Cabinet. This apparatus to become the property ofthe University Chemical laboratory.
2. That the sum agreedupon to be paid by the Druggists' Association to the University, namely,three hundred dollars after deducting the sum of forty (40) dollars forwater and gas required to be used for the lectures, and sixty (60) dollarsto be paid to the College Janitors for taking complete charge of lectureroom during the course, be paid to me to be expended on apparatus and materialsfor the University laboratory.
3. That the chargeof the class in Botany be given to another instructor; and that provisionbe made for this by the University in view of the greatly increased labors,which will necessarily evolve upon me in carrying Out the terms of thisagreement.
4. That in case theTrustees of the University accept this proposition, the agreement is toterminate absolutely at the close of the first session of the New College.
Weekly meetings were held from July15, 1878, until September 23, 1878, inclusive. Committees were appointedto prepare a constitution and by-laws to govern the organization. Thesewere prepared, approved and adopted. A design for a seal was presentedand also adopted.
Chairman George A. Kelly reportedthe receipt of a communication under date of August 5, 1878. As follows:
Pres. of PharmaceuticalAssociation
Dear Sir,
At a meeting of theAllegheny Co. Medical Society, held July i6, 1878, the following resolutionwas passed.
ÎResolved, That thisSociety approve of the efforts of the Druggists of this County to establisha College of Pharmacy.'
The Secretary was directedto notify the officers of the Druggists Association of this action of thesociety.
Reading Mr. Becker's Classroom Assessment
Mr. B. L. Fahnestock became chairman of the Board of Trustees, nominatedsuccessor to Mr. Kelly Aug. 26; took chair at September 2, 1878, meeting.At a meeting held on September 16,1878, the petition for a charter was presented inits final form and signed by the members applying for it. The petitionwas presented to the courts on September 21, 1878,andthe charter was granted on September 23, 1878. (seeAppendix V, Document D)The granting of the charterwas subsequently reported to the members of the corporation at a meetingheld late the same day.
E.S. Ward | DavidDavis, Jr. | |
3rdAve., Pittsburgh, Pa. | 634Prebble Ave., Allegheny, Pa. | |
JohnT. McKennan | W.W. Sawhill | |
85Market St., Pittsburgh, Pa. | 225Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. | |
PeterWeber | R.D. Bunt | |
76Wylie Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. | Oakland,5th Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. | |
JohnB. Hill | A.Meckelburg | |
144Wylie Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. | ChestnutSt., Allegheny, Pa. | |
JosephStokely | CharlesSchwarm | |
341Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. | 1805Carson St., Pittsburgh, Pa. | |
M.J. McGann | FrederickH. Eggers | |
42Wylie Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. | 172Ohio St., Allegheny, Pa. | |
JosephKimmell | J.G. Templeton | |
cor.Penn and 9th St., Pittsburgh, Pa. | 299Penn Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. | |
LouisBrehm | ||
LouisSteitz | 172Smithfield St., Pittsburgh, Pa. | |
157Pennsylvania Ave., Allegheny, Pa. | CharlesF. Nourse | |
WylieAve. and Arthur St., Pittsburgh, Pa. | ||
LouisRott | ||
76Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa. | HenryWurzel, Jr. | |
F.A. Dittler | 5thAve. and Pride St., Pittsburgh, Pa. | |
347Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. | ||
CharlesHauch | F.W. Walker | |
91Sixth Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. | NewBrighton, Pa. | |
ThomasMcHenry | B.G. Dosch | |
18Western Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. | Allegheny,Pa. | |
GotleibEisenbeis | W.S. Simpson, M.D. | |
113Federal St., Pittsburgh, Pa. | 109Wylie Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. | |
JosephHenderson | J.L. Swearer | |
SeventhAve., Pittsburgh, Pa. | WalnutSt., 36th Ward, Pittsburgh |
The following named persons individuallysigned the document organizing themselves into an association to be knownas The Pittsburgh College of Pharmacy. We the undersigned do hereby organizeourselves into an association to be known as The Pittsburgh College ofPharmacy.
GeorgeA. Kelly | LouisEmanuel |
NewtonMcClarran | cor.Second Ave. and Grant St., |
6thAve., Smithfield St.,. | Pittsburgh,Pa. |
Pittsburgh,Pa | W.H. Brill |
DanC. Hamilton | cor.Fifth and Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa. |
cor.Beaver Ave. and Locust Alley, | |
Allegheny,Pa. | W.S. Beach |
LeviH. Harris | 676Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. |
341Liberty St., cor. Tenth, Pittsburgh, Pa | D.C. Thompson |
.JosephAbel | 195Liberty St., Pittsburgh, Pa. |
5thand Grant, Pittsburgh, Pa. | F.R. Fleck |
WilliamG. Schirmer | 171Beaver Ave., Allegheny, Pa. |
3rdAve. and Smithfield St, Pittsburgh, Pa | C.H. Beach |
32Ward St., Pittsburgh, Pa. | |
LouisHauch | AbnerS. Bender |
233Centre Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. | 341Liberty St., Pittsburgh, Pa. |
PerryM. Gleim | S.S. Holland |
213Rebecca St., Allegheny, Pa. | cor.Smithfield and Liberty St., |
S.Henry Stevens | Pittsburgh,Pa. |
CentreSt., Shadyside, Pittsburgh, Pa. | JosephM. Kinney |
341Liberty St., Pittsburgh, Pa. | |
JamesB. Cherry | E.Donnelly, M.D. |
cor.4th and Ferry St., Pittsburgh, | 131Grant St., Pittsburgh, Pa. |
JamesKerr, Jr. | L.C. Castner |
56Smithfield St., Pittsburgh, Pa. | PennAve., E.E., Pittsburgh, Pa. |
A.C. Robertson | A.H. Wilson |
cor.First Ave. and Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa | cor.Penn and Frankstown, Pittsburgh, Pa |
J.B. Lindsay | A.K. Henderson |
cor.First Ave. and Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa | FrankstownAve., E.E., Pittsburgh, Pa. |
EmersonL. Duff | B.F. Wickersham |
cor.Main and Adx., 36th Ward, | cor.Penn Ave. and Station St., E.E., |
Pittsburgh,Pa. | Pittsburgh,Pa. |
A.Armor | S.N. Wickersham |
TaylorAve., cor. Monterey St., | cor.Penn Ave. and Station St., E.E., |
Allegheny,Pa. | Pittsburgh,Pa. |
Jas.M. Parke | D.W. Hershberger |
cor.Palo Alto St. and Taylor Ave., | LibertyBlock, E.E., Pittsburgh, Pa. |
Allegheny,Pa. | R.M. McClarran |
J.P. Urben | LibertyBlock, E.E., Pittsburgh, Pa. |
277Federal St., Allegheny, Pa. | B.J. Stenger |
JosephPark | 1601Carson St., Pittsburgh, Pa. |
cor.Federal St. and North Ave., | HenrySchmidt |
Allegheny,Pa. | 4016Butler St., Pittsburgh, Pa. |
SamuelStewart | FredG. Seitz |
113Federal St., Allegheny, Pa. | 711Penn Ave Pittsburgh, Pa. |
EmilG. Stucky | JohnV. Stephenson |
172Ohio St., Allegheny, Pa. | 59Federal St., Allegheny, Pa. |
AntonGlamser | EdwardW. Over |
236Ohio St., Pittsburgh, Pa. | cor.Penn Ave. and Main St., |
G.W. Schmidt | Pittsburgh,Pa. |
c/oA. Koch, S. S., Pittsburgh, Pa. | C.F. Caidwell |
A.Klotz | cor.4Sth and Butler St., Pittsburgh, Pa |
76East St., Allegheny, Pa. | |
W.W. Davis | JosephEhrstein |
77Ohio St., Allegheny, Pa. | 1035Penn Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. |
A.J. Kaercher | EdwardSpring |
59Federal St., Allegheny, Pa. | 869Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. |
CharlesEble | TheodoreW. D. Hieber |
PennAve., E.E., Pittsburgh, Pa. | 487Penn Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. |
JohnCowley | B.L. Fahnestock |
P.0. Box 520, Pittsburgh, Pa. | 76Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa. |
AlfredJ. Rankin | J.E. Hunter |
456th St., Pittsburgh, Pa. | TurtleCreek, Pa. |
GeorgeW. Pyatt | E.Holden |
Sewickley,Pa. | 63Federal St., Allegheny, Pa. |
GeorgeE. Foster | JosephFleming |
Wash.Ave. and Fremont, | 84Market St., Pittsburgh, Pa. |
Allegheny,Pa. | Benj.S. Fahnestock |
L.M. Hamilton | 76Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa. |
231Franklin St., Allegheny, Pa. | MansfieldFoster |
WilliamHughes | |
288Beaver Ave., Allegheny, Pa. | Wylieand Washington St., |
RalphD. Means | Pittsburgh,Pa. |
207North Ave., cor. Federal St., | TheodoreDoerflinger |
Allegheny,Pa. | Wylieand Congress St., Pittsburgh, Pa. |
A.B. Urben | |
WebsterAve., cor. Roberts St., | TheodoreBecker |
Pittsburgh,Pa. | FederalSt., Allegheny, Pa. |
A.W. Kreidle | Dr.Reiter |
J.S. Boyd | |
Tarentum,Pa. | Prof.Phillips |
G.W. Mays | H.P. Schwartz |
NewCastle, Pa. | Allegheny,Pa. |
The first faculty to inauguratethe course of instruction consisted of Dr. Francis C. Phillips, professorof chemistry; Dr. W. C. Reiter, professor of materia medica and botany;and Dr. S. Henry Stevens, professor of pharmacy. The opening night wasset for October 1, 1878. One thousand invitations were sent to the physiciansand druggists of this region. This momentous affair was held in the WesternUniversity of Pennsylvania building on Diamond Street. There was a verydignified program, which included three short addresses, one by the Presidentof the College, George A. Kelly; another by W. D. Moore; and one by Dr.George Woods, Chancellor of the University. Music, too, was included inthis program. Robinson's band played several selections, and a quartette,composed of Messrs. Cain, Ross, Rinehart, and Balph, sang several numbers.It was indeed a grand opening and promised much for the future.
Twenty students enrolled for thefirst class in October. There were no prerequisites for registration excepta sincere desire to gain additional knowledge to advance one's self ina chosen profession.
It was difficult for many of thesestudents to attend, because they worked during the day and classes wereheld only in the evenings. There were three courses of lectures, whichwere held on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Work in the laboratory wasoffered, but it was not obligatory. The first schedule of classes was asfollows:
Of the twenty students, only elevencompleted the course and graduated on March 11, 1880. One glimpse at theschedule shows why so many beginners did not complete the course. A goodadditional reason was that attendance was only for one's own betterment;graduation from a college or school of pharmacy was not a prerequisiteto practice pharmacy.
From the beginning, as listed inthe prospectus put out each year by the College, one of the requirementsfor graduation from the College was four years of practical experience.
In the meantime other events weretranspiring. The Pennsylvania State Pharmaceutical Association held itssecond annual meeting in Pittsburgh. The visiting members were guests ofthe Pittsburgh College of Pharmacy. They were entertained by trips to ArmstrongCork Works; to the Edgar Thomson Steel Works; and also by a ride on a steamboat.A banquet was also held at the 7th Avenue Hotel to honor the delegatesand guests. This occasion not only increased the enthusiasm of the membersof the College Corporation, but also created a greater desire on theirpart for further accomplishments.
Through the patience and persistent efforts of such men as George AKelly, a member of the firm of George A. Kelly Co., who was president ofthe College from the beginning until 1889, the college progressed rapidly.Mr. Kelly made substantial donations to assist the School in getting astart. He also gave a Troemner Balance as a prize to be awarded to thejunior student making the best percentage. Mr. Kelly was also interestedin many other organizations, to which he contributed generously, both withhis time and money. It was through his efforts that many reforms were broughtabout in the prisons of the State, for it was his clear judgment and deepconvictions that led him to advocate education and training in useful occupationsfor the prisoners. He was a member of the Duquesne Club. He also belongedto the Art Society of Pittsburgh, which promoted better knowledge of paintings,music, literature, and science ö in fact, all things that contributed toaesthetic culture. He was a leader, both in Pittsburgh business circlesand in philanthropy, and it is indeed interesting that the firm which bearshis name is reputed to be the oldest wholesale drug house still doing businesswest of the Allegheny Mountains.
One of Mr. Kelly's close associates, Mr. B. L. Fahnestock, owned oneof the largest wholesale drug houses in America. It is curious to note,in a study of these two men, that, in the early days of the drug trade,the parent house was established in Pittsburgh, and there were branchesin New York and Philadelphia. This was primarily because Pittsburgh wasthen near the frontier, and many gatherers of medicinal drugs and herbsbrought their stock there for distribution.
Another outstanding founder of the College was Louis Emanuel, who wasalso one of the signers of the charter. He not only conducted his own pharmacy,but also served as Professor of Chemistry for a short time. He was a memberof the Pennsylvania State Board of Pharmacy, and its president or chairmanfor twenty-seven years. He procured for the College a collection- 'ThePharmacy Laws' from the various states. Dr. Emanuel was continuously connectedwith the College in an active capacity until his death on April 8, 1941.
Upon these men and many others the College depended for counsel andassistance in the early years.
The first year ended successfully, and much had been accomplished,but the college now was faced with the problem of finding a new locationfor the ensuing year. Therefore, on May 6, 1879, a special committee, consistingof Henry Schmidt, James B. Cherry, Joseph Abel, Joseph Henderson, and WilliamG. Schirmer, was appointed to obtain new quarters. They reported in favorof rooms over the Peoples Savings Bank, at 81Fourth Avenue, and it was consequently at this location that thenext sessions were held. The college was now confronted with a real problem,for they needed specimens and apparatus for classroom and laboratory instruction.This was partially solved by gifts of specimens of chemicals and crudedrugs and apparatus which were contributed by McKesson and Robbins, WilliamR. Warner & Co., Burrough Bros., Henry Troemner, Keasby & Mattison,W. H. Heritage, Demmler Bros., W. G. Price and Co., and Powers and Weightman.A Remington still was presented by Professor Joseph P. Remington. The purchaseof the necessary additional chemicals and apparatus, as judged by ProfessorDe Brunner, required a minimum of $300.00. These came as donations fromMessrs. George A. Kelly, William G. Schirmer, James Kerr, Jr., Samuel S.Holland, Henry Schmidt, Joseph Henderson & Bro., Hostetter & Smith,Newton McClarran, Louis Brehm, Mackeown Thompson & Co., Albert H. Wilson,Joseph Kimmel, and Simon Johnson. Professor John M. Maisch contributed22 volumes of the back numbers of the Proceedings of the American PharmaceuticalAssociation to the library.
The professors for 1879-1880 were:W. C. Reiter, M.D.: professor of materia medica andbotany; S. H. Stevens, M.D.: professor of practicalpharmacy; H. G. DeBrunner: professor of chemistry. (seeAppendix II)
Thus the second year began. Seatingaccommodations consisted of the old-fashioned type settee, which accommodatedfour students each. For writing space there was attached to the back ofeach settee a nine inch board. For illumination, gas lights were used.The chief mode of transportation was by means of horse and buggy and ithas been stated that the students on the way to their classes often stoppedto take the teachers with them.
The members of the College Corporationwere interested not only in the progress and development of the college,but in pharmaceutical affairs nationally. On September 2, 1879, five membersof this group; namely, F. W. Walker, Joseph Kimmel, Joseph Henderson, LouisEmanuel, and James B. Cherry were elected delegates to the American PharmaceuticalAssociation convention held in Indianapolis in September 1879.
Also during this era, many druggistsin Pennsylvania were having difficulty with a Patent Medicine Tax. JamesB. Cherry, Louis Emanuel, (Sic) Maits, Joseph Abel, John B. Hill, MansfieldFoster, Arnold Koch, Charles Schwarm, John T. McKennan, A. F. Sandhill,G. R. Splane, and Theodore Doerflinger were a few of those concerned witha just solution of this problem and gave of their time and energy to thisend. In the meantime these men were struggling with the 'lusty little one'as stated by Mr. W. D. Moore. (see Appendix V, DocumentE).
Faculty appointments were made fromyear to year and so it became apparent in the early summer that a teachingstaff for the next year must be appointed. On June 8, 1880, the followingwere engaged for the next school year: Hugo Blanck, Ph.D.:professor of chemistry; G. W. Allyn, M.D.:professorof materia medica and botany; S. Henry Stevens, M.D.:professorof pharmacy.
A general invitation was again sentto the members of the College Corporation, and to the doctors and druggistsof Allegheny County to attend the opening lecture of the third term ofthe College, which began on Monday, October 3, 1880, at 8 p.m. ,in the College Hall. Professor Allyn delivered the opening lectureand the President of the College and the Chairman of the Board of Trusteeseach likewise addressed the meeting.
Shortly after the term opened, the pharmacists and physicians who werevitally interested in pharmacy in Western Pennsylvania called a specialmeeting which was held in the College Hall on January 18, 1881. The purposeof this meeting was to consider a bill for regulating the practice of pharmacyin Allegheny County. A bill was subsequently drawn up and presented tothe Pennsylvania legislature by Representative McClarran. A petition wasalso drawn up by the members of the group from Allegheny County to urgethe passage of this bill. The bill, House Bill no. 145, 1881,introduced by Robert M. McClarran (whowas a druggist) was entitled An Act, Regulating the Practice of Pharmacyin the County of Allegheny. When this bill was up for second reading, Mr.McClarran moved that further consideration of the same be indefinitelypostponed. The bill did not become a law. The reason for Mr. McClarran'saction was that these men had learned that the Pennsylvania PharmaceuticalAssociation was presenting a similar piece of legislation affecting allpharmacists in the state and they felt that they should cooperate on astatewide level rather than on a county basis.
Thus we see that the members of the College Corporation were interestedin the improvement of pharmacy in all of its phases. George A. Kelly, JosephKimmel, and J. McElroy, Jr. M D were appointed to act in conjunction withthe Pennsylvania State Pharmaceutical Association in matters relative toState Pharmacy Laws. These groups not only worked diligently to improvepharmacy, but they also made every effort to influence others who wereeligible to join with them in this pursuit.
Before the next school year opened, the College Corporation lost oneof its active colleagues, Joseph Henderson. The following resolution waspresented and spread on the minutes: 'In the death of our Colleague theyoung institution has lost a good friend who was ever ready to accept cheerfullyevery duty imposed upon him and who liberally aided in the support andadvancement of our school.'
At the commencement in the Spring of 1882 only a few qualified for graduation:W. F. Walker, G. P. Stauver, J. H. Schmidt, T. B. Rogers, and William B.Means.
However, the spirit of the membersof the Corporation never faltered, for they sent two delegates to the nextconvention of the American Pharmaceutical Association: Louis Emanuel andDr. S. Henry Stevens. This meeting was held at Niagara Falls in September1882.
In the fifth year of the College,to aid the financial condition of the College, rooms were rented to thePittsburgh Microscopical Society and to the Rudolph Fishing Club at $2per night. (1882)
It now became apparent that there was a need for an Alumni Society,and Messrs. Schirmer, Emanuel and Cherry were to assist the graduates inorganizing such a group. This group gave able assistance each year to commencementactivities as well as social affairs.
It was in March of 1883 that Mr.Robertson, on behalf of the George A. Kelly Company, gave a Troemner Balanceto the College to be awarded to the student in the junior class havingthe highest percentage. At the same time, Dr. Stevens, on behalf of thecitizens of Shadyside, gave a microscope to be awarded to the student inthe senior class making the highest average. At the end of the term, Mr.John T. Reed, of the graduating class, received the microscope, and Mr.Julius A. Koch, of the junior class, the prescription scale.
Nearly all pharmacy colleges hadnow adopted the plan of giving separate lectures to the junior and seniorclasses. This was definitely a step forward, for it enabled the studentsto obtain a better knowledge of the profession, because it permitted agreater range of subjects to be presented to the classesand it required a closer personal application on the part of the student.
The following schedule was presentedby Mr. William G. Schirmer for the 1883-84 session:
The members of the Corporation, alongwith their other duties, again turned to legislation. They expressed theidea that each second and third class city should present a bill to regulatepharmacy in their locality, and that such bills should be patterned afterthe one proposed for Allegheny County. However, it was not until laterthat the first Pennsylvania Pharmacy Law was enacted. (seeAppendix V, Document F)
Just about this time, the Secretaryof the Board of Trustees was instructed to invite the members of the facultyto attend Board meetings to make known their needs, so that the new suppliesand apparatus could, if financially possible, be procured more advantageously.This action was necessary, for the last report indicated only a small residuein the treasury.
However, some kind individuals orfirms always came to the aid of the College. This year the MallinckrodtChemical Works of St. Louis sent innumerable specimens of chemicals.
Now students expressed interest indoing laboratory work during the summertime. Professor Blanck, therefore,asked permission to use the laboratory for students during the normal vacationperiod. This was granted. An arrangement was made whereby Professor Blanckreceived two-thirds and the College one-third of what was collected fromthe students, or $15 for the first month; $12 for the second month; and$10 for every month thereafter. Professor Blanck, however, paid the janitorout of his earnings. This was possible for him to do, for he drew as hissalary $528.66 this year and the other professors received only $300 each.It was the custom then that the professors received their pay directlyfrom the payments made to them by the students.
At the fifth commencement ö 1884ö nine men graduated with the degree of Graduate in Pharmacy. This groupincluded Julius A. Koch, who became dean in 1891 and functioned activelyin this capacity until his retirement in 1932.
It is interesting to observe thatsome of the pharmacies of this era were owned by physicians: i.e., Dr.Stoy on Third Avenue; Dr. Scherer, 174 Smithfield Street; and Dr. H. B.Orr, Second Avenue near Smithfield Street. Dr. Orr had a regular prescriptionroom, but filled only his own prescriptions. Many of the drugs used thenare still in use today. Some of the vegetable drugs of particular interestwere Senna Leaves, Rhubarb, Camphor, Opium and Quinine. The chemical listincluded such drugs as Borax, Alum, Rochelle Salt, as well as Epsom andGlauber Salt. Many plasters were spread since only a few were availableon the market. The so-called 'Patent Medicines' included such preparationsas Humbold's Buchu, Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and Ayers Sarsaparilla,etc. Fellows Hypophosphites was one of the first so-called 'Specialties'to be prescribed by the physicians. Cascara was a new drug in 1888. Itis interesting to observe that Calomel was prescribed extensively in 10to 15 gram doses.
It was the abuse of the drug tradethat kept all of the professionally minded pharmacists alert to the factthat something had to be done to regulate what citizens themselves wouldnot regulate. After many unsuccessful attempts the first pharmacy law forthe state of Pennsylvania was passed May 24, 1887.
The curriculum increased in coursecontent and as previously indicated, many were already taking the laboratorycourses. It became necessary, therefore, to look for larger quarters. Asuggestion made by Professor Blanck in May 1884 brought about the transferof the College to the Hostetter Building, Ferry Street and First Avenue.It now became necessary to furnish the enlarged quarters. The last reportof the treasurer indicated that there was on hand about $100 in cash. Whilethis condition created a dilemma, the members of the corporation neverwavered in their determination to go forward. A committee was appointedto solicit subscriptions for refitting the lecture rooms and laboratory.Advertisements were run in the Druggists Circular for three months.The committee was successful in this objective and was then discharged.Mr. William Thaw was one of the patrons to the extent of $100, and Dr.Reiter also made a cash donation. Mr. James Kerr presented proceedingsof the American Pharmaceutical Association, and Mr. Eggers repaired theblackboards.
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In addition to the donations received,the income of the College was supplemented by renting a lecture room tothe Gynaecological Society for a meeting once a month at a fee of $3 andto the Pittsburgh Microscopical Society for their meetings. (1884)Dr. Hostetter agreed to furnish the heat in the building for thewinter. John A. Schafer offered to assist the College by collecting anherbarium.
The Board of Trustees, on April 15,1885, adopted the regulation that any candidate for a degree, not havingthree years and three months of practical experience, of which he mustsubmit proof, need not appear for examinations. Each candidate for graduationwas required to present to the faculty and examining committee a thesisand proof of his practical experience in addition to having successfullycompleted his course. He also had to be approved by the examining committeeand faculty relative to his personal qualifications to conduct the businessof an apothecary in a reputable and scientific manner.
In the meantime, the seventh yearof instruction was completed, the final examinations were over, and anotherclass was ready for graduation. As soon as a school year was ended, arrangementswere made immediately for the next session and this year was no exception.
Professor Blanck was to be retainedas professor of chemistry, and Professor S. Henry Stevens as professorof pharmacy. There was a change, however, in materia medica and botany.Dr. Adolph Koenig, who was an outstanding practitioner of medicine, waselected to this position. Dr. Koenig was assisted by John A. Shafer. Itis said that Mr. Shafer often appeared in the classroom wearing high leatherboots which were covered with mud, acquired while crossing fields lookingfor specimens which he used in his classes.
Because the treasury again was depleted,Professor Blanck, advertised the opening of the next school year - 1885-86- at his own expense.
Dr. John Dickson, Sr., presentedthe college with a valuable gift of Geological, Entomological, and Botanicalspecimens for which he was given a vote of thanks.
School was opened, and the next changecame when the students took their final examinations. Each student wasassigned an envelope upon which appeared a word which was the student's'synonym' for examination purposes. No student was eligible for examinationunless he had presented his thesis and certificate of apprenticeship priorto February 15. On each answer sheet the student used he wrote his name,age, city, and permanent address and also the name of his preceptor. Thiscard was then returned to the secretary of the examining committee. Thepapers were examined by the faculty and some members of the College Corporation;was assigned to each person for grading. After the papers were graded,two different members totaled the figures and placed them to the list ofsynonyms. Just before the, grading was completed two members of the Boardand one member of the faculty opened the envelopes and made a list of thesynonyms with the student's name opposite. The passing average was to be60%.
An active committee on membershipwas making every effort to increase the number of individuals in the CollegeCorporation.
The library committee was anotheractive body. The library was given two volumes on chemistry by Mr. F. W.Eggers and in a report of the library committee it was indicated that therewere 50 volumes in the library, some of them, however, were not strictlypharmaceutical. Every publisher was asked for donations of books.
For some time now a pharmacy laboratoryhad been under consideration and at last, through the kind help of Dr.Hostetter in making the rental for an additional room only $25more a year, such a proposition was put into effect on April 1,1887. It was agreed to start a class in pharmacy laboratory and to usethe chemical laboratory until the new laboratory was ready. The fees chargedwere to be the same as for Chemistry.
The first month only one studentelected pharmacy laboratory, the second month there were two, and graduallythis number increased.
On March 13, 1888, Dr. Emanuel promotedthe idea that laboratory practice in both pharmacy and chemistry be madeobligatory for at least two months, and that the student be given the optionof taking it either the first or the second year. Such a resolution wasunanimously adopted by the Board of Trustees on April 2,1888.
It was again through the assistanceof many friends of the College, among whom were George A. Kelly, who waspaid for merchandise by note and William Thaw, that necessary expenditureswere met for needed improvements.
By act of legislature, approved May24, 1887, a state pharmaceutical examining board was constituted. The governor,James A. Beaver, appointed the following as members of this Board: AlonzoRobbins, Philadelphia; Frederick H. Eggers, Allegheny City; Harry B. Cochran,Lancaster; A. B. Burns, Montrose; H. A. Taffel, Philadelphia. Later theofficial title of the examining board became the Pennsylvania Board ofPharmacy and now it is the State Board of Pharmacy.
Mr. F. H. Eggers was now treasurerof this Board. In spite of the great need for money, the College offeredto the State Pharmacy Board two rooms for examination purposes. This offerwas accepted. The Board of Trustees then placed at the State Board's disposalspace whenever it was needed, and this policy is still in operation.
The need for more commodious quarterswas now very evident and the members of the Corporation began to thinkin terms of a new building of its own. A committee, consisting of F. H.Eggers, S. S. Holland, and C. H. Beach, was appointed to look into theways and means by which this could be accomplished.
The friendly interest of the membersof the medical profession was evidenced by the fact that Drs. John M. Duff,James McCann, Robert B. Mowry, and Dr. Fulton rendered their services atgraduation exercises by giving the principal commencement addresses. Itis also recorded that Dr. W. S. Simpson gave a lecture on the metric systemto the Board of Trustees.
Increasing interest on the part oflarge drug companies is shown by the fact that Lehn and Fink and Parke,Davis & Co. each sent large donations of crude drugs. It was throughsuch cooperation that the College was able to progress.
On January 13, 1891, the Collegewas notified that they must vacate their quarters before April 1, 1891.A committee consisting of Mr. F. H. Eggers, Dr. Louis Emanuel, and ProfessorStevens was appointed to confer with the Trustees of The Medical College,the Free Dispensary, and the Curry Institute, or any other institutionwith which they might be able to make arrangements for the accommodationof the Pittsburgh College of Pharmacy. After looking into several possibilities,together with much planning, the College was able to rent quarters at theSchmertz Building, corner of Water and Market Streets, which were subsequentlyoccupied by the College for the fall classes of the 1891-92 session. TheAllegheny County Druggists Association rented a room for their regularmeetings at $25 per annum.
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The new quarters were made possibleonly because Professors Koenig, Blanck, and Koch each agreed to pay a portionof the rent each year until the College was financially able to pay thefull amount.
And so, the first decade of pharmacyeducation in Pittsburgh ended with promise of a greater future.
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